vrijdag 31 oktober 2008

Nieuwsberichten die deze week mijn aandacht trokken...

Kroatië mag binnenkort waarschijnlijk tot de Europese Unie toetreden... Voor Servië, Bosnië-Herzegovina en Macedonië zal het echter nog iets langer duren...
Croatia could conclude accession negotiations with the EU by the end of next year, if it fulfills the remaining conditions, while Serbia could become an official EU candidate, according to a draft report on the western Balkan countries' progress towards the EU that the European Commission will present next week. In a report on the western Balkan countries' progress towards the EU that the European Commission will present next week, Brussels will reiterate a warning it expressed earlier about Bosnia and Herzegovina's political instability and the lack of reform in the country.
De Economist belicht in het artikel "Who's next?" de (instabiele) economie van Oost-Europa.
The economies of eastern Europe face stormy times, even if Western banks hold their nerve. The political fallout may be even worse