donderdag 30 mei 2013

Uzbekistan: Getting there

From Europe there are flights to Uzbekistan offered by Uzbekian Airways, Turkish Airlines, Czech Airlines and Aeroflot. As the flight schedule of Aeroflot suits my program the best and offers the best price, I decide to fly with Aeroflot. I flew before with Aeroflot and I have always been very pleased with the service they offer. Also this time the service was excellent. I made a stopover in Moscow (even left the airport building) and my luggage was delivered without any problems at the airport of Tashkent.

In order to leave the airport in Moscow one has to fill in a Immigration Card which these days is filled in automatically at the passport control (so not anymore at the plane) and if not more than 10000 Euro is imported, the Customs declaration doesn't has to be filled in.

In Tashkent however, the Customs Declaration still has to be filled in. I only found the Customs Declaration in Russian (though I suppose it also exists in English and/or Uzbek) but don't count on English speaking staff. 

Once passed the passport control, local people start offering their services to bring you to town by car. A ride to the town centre shouldn't cost more than 5000 SUM. It’s a good moment to start learning how to haggle and get a reasonable (tourist) price.

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